March 24, 2010

Walking with Light

I'm not sure how exactly to start this blog. This is the very first one, so it has to be good, right?

After checking my sister's and my nieces' blogs, they have inspired me to start my own...whether they know that yet or not.

I just recently graduated from college this past December, and since January 8th, have been living and working in New Zealand. I was extremely nervous about moving here for 4 months, especially because I am so close to my family. My wonderful family with so many people in it, and so much love! I have my 2 sisters, a brother, and a brother-in-law. These four I can only describe in one way: unique and completely my own! Then, there is the gaggle of rugrats (that they're so lovingly called) of my 8, yes, EIGHT nieces and nephews. I won't mention that my one sister has seven of them....whoops, sorry Rachel. Anyhoo, these younglings are responsible for many hugs, joy, and plenty of laughter. Lastly, I have my parents, who started it all. While some may not laugh at my dad's corny jokes, I can't help but love them because they are so completely and utterly my dad. And my mom? She's the glue that holds us all together. She's Gramma, who makes everybody their favorite meal for their birthday, and no matter what the problem, will have the solution.

My mom, in particular, encouraged me to set forth on the solo journey to New Zealand. So, here I am today, almost 3 months into my New Zealand adventure and on the eve of turning the not-so-glamorous age of 22. While 22 seems old (at least to all my nieces and nephews), when I stop and really think about my age I have to come to only one conclusion. I'm still very young and new to the ways of this world. Is that a bad thing? Some might consider that naivety, but me? I am realizing how much of a blessing that youth and lack of knowledge is. I am not yet jaded or so accustomed to this world that I think nothing of its ways. Why would I want to fit into this awful sinful world and pride myself on being an expert in its ways? The simple answer? I don't. The truthful answer? Sometimes, I do. My old sinful nature convinces me more often than I'd like to admit that I need to fit in with this world. Yet, God clearly says in Romans 12:2, "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." God reminds us that this world is no longer the perfect and wonderful place that he originally made. It's now full of corruption and sin.

At this time in my life, it is especially difficult to remember God's warning about this world. My life is cloudy and full of gray answers at the moment. I'm not sure which path to step on and where my future is heading. But, even as I typed that last sentence, I realize that I do know what path I am on and where my future is headed. I am on the path of God's mercy and love, and I am headed toward heaven. I may not know any of the details of that cloudy path, but I have the true conviction that Jesus is my Savior and by his grace he has made me right with God.
I can confidently walk on that unknown path with my beacon of truth and light.


  1. Following your blog, Abby--I get the honor of being the very first follower. :-)

    And woah, you can definitely write. What you said about our fam is so true--'specially Boppy and Gramma.

    Miss you a lot...and really wanting that warmth you have in New Zealand. It may be sunny here, but its still cold.


  2. Fabulous idea! Inspired by us....what can I say?? Blogging is a great tool. I've loved the years that I've spent writing. Since you are an awesome writer your blog will be one to read!

    Ha ha ha about the 7 kids. I'm surprised you didn't add, "and, NO, she doesn't have a TLC program. Yet."

    Love you. And you know I miss you.


  3. Hey, I started a blog today too! How cool! :) I can't wait to learn more about writing through blogging, hopefully it will help with my horrible photography too. :) Welcome to blog land! I love your header!

    Stop by my blog if you can!


  4. Hey, Abby.

    Just stopping over from Hannah's blog. Looking forward to reading, but wanted to say "hello" first.

  5. Hi Abby,
    Stopping by from Hannah's blog. How cool that you live in New Zealand! Sounds like you have an adventurous life. :) I love seeing people actively pursuing the will of God, and you seem to be doing just that.

    Hope you enjoy breaking into the blogging world! I'm following. :)

  6. VERY VERY well written! I look forward to reading more of your posts.

    Your family sounds like they are just wonderful. You have been so blessed. You are indeed still very young with your entire life ahead of you so leave this world and every day as you live it with no regrets! Always give all the praise and honor to Him who has brought you.

    Best of luck in New Zealand, I know you cant wait to get back home.

    Love and Prayers,


  7. Thanks for sharing. Found you on your sister's blog I think? Love how your family writes and shares God's word.


